Center of Well Being

It’s the wheel of well-being touring in tandem with academic excellence that provides impetus to a student's life steering it towards sheer success. And we, at Centre Point Group of Schools, have internalized this belief.

Our active Counselling and Guidance cells help children cope with the normal stresses of life with personalised remediation. Emotional-Social development and Awakened Citizen’s Programme find a dedicated place in our weekly class time-tables. Our robust Career Counselling cells help children make informed educational and occupational choices in carving unique career paths.

The cornerstone of our nurturing approach is International trainer Jenny Mosley’s model for ‘Safe and Sensitive School’ practices for all stakeholders implemented with the listening systems like Quality Circle Time and Bubble Time. 

Student & Parent Counselling

At all branches of Centre Point School, we have special counselling departments. Counsellors have been appointed on a full-time basis to counsel the children. Children are provided counselling on issues related to classroom adjustment, peer/teen pressure and learning problems. Students with discipline and behavioural issues are regularly counselled in a comforting and secure environment. Children are guided to acquire social and life skills which go a long way in helping them to live a happy life. This cell is also actively involved in working with the parents & teachers.

Teachers have also been sent for training. These facilitators have been equipped with guidelines to conduct workshops which deal with behavioral problems. They understand the need to create a supportive environment which helps the children to make informed decisions as well as communicate and negotiate effectively. These trained facilitators have held workshops for the children which have been found to be very effective. The children were able to express their problems and think of solutions on their own.

A series of parent counselling workshops have been conducted by Dr Rajeev Mohta for parents of children from different classes. Parents were given tips on some of their common concerns like exam stress, coping with peer pressure and resolving conflicts.


The reality of how our children are growing up today is very different from what it used to be. The world has enormously changed. Bullying, fear, peer pressure, stress, sexual predators, classroom violence have all taken over our children, and they have more to deal with than our earlier generations ever did.

Today, the role of technology in education cannot be undermined. When dealing with the demanding and hectic lifestyles being experienced by our children today, the need of the hour is a type of communication that enthuses them while subtly encouraging and influencing them to make the right choices. So, using the technology to the advantage of the children, regular School Cinema sessions are held to ensure an in-depth understanding of problems faced by children of a particular age group.

educating and influencing thousands across the world.

Cinema is a set of researched film-based learning modules designed to introduce and reaffirm life skills, values and morals to children, parents and educators.

Inclusive Education

Inclusive education

At Centre Point, the needs of students with different learning needs are catered to. We bring all students in the same classroom regardless of their strengths and weaknesses. The students with special needs spend most of their time with the mainstream students. The students occasionally leave the regular classroom to attend smaller, more intensive instructional sessions in a resource room.

Remedial education

We understand that children come to us from different cultures and backgrounds, different languages, different interests and ways of learning. A strong foundation can make all the difference in education and life. Remedial education helps children acquire age appropriate skills at their own pace. Remedial teachers in our school work with students who are lagging behind to bring them up to the minimum level of achievement. Through remedial teaching, children are exposed to teaching strategies that reach them as individual learners.

Career Counselling

Session with parents addressing the need for Career Planning

Providing young students a window to explore prospective career options is another role performed by the teachers of Centre Point School through the Career Counselling cell.

A team of teachers have been trained by the Institute of Career Counselling, Lucknow, a premier career counselling institute of India. Modules on goal setting, Importance of Career Counselling and Selection of subjects are conducted by these teachers for students of Class X and XI. Similar modules are conducted for parents which help them understand their role at this crucial time of career planning. Students and parents also interact with the counsellors on a one to one basis to help the students identify their areas of interest and their interest in specific fields of study.

Talks and seminars on ‘Studying Abroad’ are arranged by the school, wherein, representatives of Internationally acclaimed Universities from UK, USA, Canada and Singapore visit the school and interact with students and inform them about the various courses offered at their campuses, job opportunities, scholarships, etc. This is specifically undertaken to broaden their horizon and students can avail the benefits of studying abroad.

Seminars by professionals such as Chartered Accountants are conducted for parents and students, which inform them about the scope of commerce and educate them about the varied career options available in the field of commerce.Support offered in the Career Counseling Cell is intended to help young minds take a flight in the right direction for making the right choices for a bright future.

Quality Circle Time

At Centre Point, it is not only the 3 R’s that are taught to the children. Equal emphasis is laid on the fourth R i.e. the relationships, as the success of any child in the future will depend on his ability to understand himself and the people around him.

Quality Circle Time (or QCT) is one of the practices which help the child develop these crucial skills of life.

At the heart of the Circle Time Model is a class meeting which involves the children sitting in a circle to look at issues relating to personal, social, moral and health education. The circle meetings aim to encourage the development of positive relationships, self-discipline, conflict resolution, assertive communication and democratic group processes alongside the skills of speaking, listening, observing, thinking and concentrating.

It is a time for children to gather together to share their personal feelings and ideas about anything that is significant to them. QCT shows children that their opinions matter, giving them real choices and allowing them to express their feelings enhances their self-esteem. Circle time gives all children the chance to experience some of the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship and provides a model for a more equal society. It is also about helping the individual members of the group to understand more about themselves and how they feel, act, react and respond to the world in which they find themselves. It attempts to foster mutual acceptance, support and care for other people, whether or not they might have an active relationship with them.

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